Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Made it up Mt. Everest

Sunday I attended some additional training with the Bethesda team, this time to prepare for Children’s Ministry in the village. Not only was it great to learn the material, but also to learn how the training classes are taught and how the teams prepare for their programs. After lunch, we all set out on a hike of Mt. Everest which is 6,620 feet above sea level. The weather was beautiful, the scenery breath-taking, and the team really worked together to help everyone make it to the top. And what a view! Boy, did I feel small looking out over rolling hills and skies that went on forever!

Please pray for the team this week as they minister in Intabazwe: that they build strong relationships, have a fruitful children's program, help New Life Church to grow in their community, and serve those in need in meaningful ways. Thanks so much for your prayers and support!


  1. Dear Jill,

    You seem to be adapting quite well to your surroundings (who couldn't, they are just beautiful) and the work. I can't believe your first team has arrived already. The last time we talked it seemed so far off. May God truly bless your time there and your service.


  2. Hey Jill,

    I have been thinking about you alot, wondering how you are doing and if you are ok, but I know you are..no real reason to worry about you but I do, just the way I am. Mt. Everest had to have been wonderful. Beautiful country!!!!! You take real good care of yourself honey. My thoughts and prayers are with you and may God bless and keep you safe.

    Much Love,

    Aunt Sandy
