As Outreach Director, I’m responsible for the planning and execution of our Outreach season. This includes working with mission team leaders to plan their trips, managing our overall Outreach schedule, and helping to arrange for accommodations, transportation and free day activities. I also plan for the team’s ministry in the villages and local hospitals, and work with our interpreters including scheduling, training, and coaching. Then when teams arrive, I provide cultural and ministry training and assist them however needed.
Our goal is to serve our teams with excellence, ensuring each trip is an enjoyable and life-changing experience. It’s a great job! And I’m thankful to use my business experience to do something I’m so passionate about.
I’ve also begun working with Abram Moloi, our Thrive Africa pastor, in building relationships with our local pastors and managing our Hand in Hand pastoral development program. Christian leadership development is also something I’m passionate about, so it’s a joy to pour into our local churches helping them to grow and reach others for Christ.
That’s what I do. Thank you so much for the prayers and financial support that allows me to live and work in South Africa. You are a critical part of God’s work here.
I’ve also begun working with Abram Moloi, our Thrive Africa pastor, in building relationships with our local pastors and managing our Hand in Hand pastoral development program. Christian leadership development is also something I’m passionate about, so it’s a joy to pour into our local churches helping them to grow and reach others for Christ.
That’s what I do. Thank you so much for the prayers and financial support that allows me to live and work in South Africa. You are a critical part of God’s work here.
i am SO glad you do what you do.