The staff and interns live in chalets around the base. As an example, I live in a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom chalet with 3 other girls. Our chalet includes a full kitchen, living room and nice porch with a Braai (BBQ pit) out back. There are various other buildings we use for offices, church and our main reception area. The buildings are much simpler and more rustic than at home, but quite nice.
What I love about this place is the beautiful scenery and animals all around. With the changes in sun, clouds, and seasons the landscape always looks different and always amazing. I never tire of just walking, hiking or jogging and admiring the beauty everywhere. (Well, I do get tired of the jogging, but not the looking).
The base is also home to more than 700 animals included Zebra, Wildebeest, Springbok, Blesbok, Deer, Rock Rabbits, Ostrich and Horses. The other day an Ostrich tried to follow me inside my house and when I shut the door she ran to our window to get a good look inside. It was so funny! I tried to take a picture, but it didn’t really turn out.
I’ve included some pictures so you could get a feel for what it’s like living on the mission base. Hope you find them interesting!
i always refer to our ostriches as "my lovely ladies". and i love when they come up to my office window and bat their gorgeous eyelashes at me!