One thing mission trips have in common is how the Lord teaches some pretty amazing lessons. We recently hosted our Thrive Adult mission team. As the team served in Intabazwe doing relationship evangelism and children’s ministry, many lives were changed including their own.
When asked about what the Lord had taught them during this trip, here is what a few had to say.
"God taught me to trust Him completely - that even when I can’t see things with my human eyes, with my eyes of faith all things are possible! I just have to keep pressing forward to do all that He has for me to do, even the hard stuff, even when I don’t understand, and especially when it seems like something that I can’t do because with God ALL things are possible!” – DawnMarie
“God has opened my eyes to so many things. But I think the one thing is how I just need to always follow through on what he says. God has also opened my heart to ministry, more than I ever thought I was going to do…knowing that this is the start of my life in ministry is so exciting! I just need to be patient and wait on Gods timing. That’s the only way things really will work out.” - Christian
"God let me know that I need to stop trying to box him in with my own thoughts and preconceived notions. I could not really imagine going to a house and being received the way that I was. Even in the hospital, I couldn’t imagine us having such an effect on the patients. God reinforced in my mind that at need to get rid of my preconceived notions, focus on spreading the love and good news of the gospel, and let God do the rest.” - Chike
Please pray for these folks as they return home, that they continue to step out bodly for Christ.
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