I was raised in a Christian home. I’ve believed the Gospel and was assured of my salvation as long as I can remember. But somewhere along the way I missed the part about having a personal relationship with Christ and living for Him on a daily basis. My faith guaranteed that I would go to heaven when I died, but it didn’t really impact how I was to live, if that makes sense.
It was during my adult years, when circumstances in life through me for a loop, that I started looking for answers, meaning, and purpose in life. After several unsuccessful attempts, I ended up back at church. Hmmm, what would things have been like had I pursued God with the same energy and determination that it took to search everywhere else? I guess that’s a whole other story…
When I plugged back into a church the Lord opened my eyes and softened my heart. Then in 2002, I stepped out on my first mission trip. I’ll admit - I was scared. I didn’t feel “Christian enough”. I didn’t think God could use me to help others. And my persistent prayer was that I wouldn’t be called on to pray out loud. Can anyone relate? Fortunately, my excitement outweighed my fears and I went to Ecuador.
...to be continued…
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