-Provision through praying friends and family.
-Provision through generous financial supporters.
-Provision through the savings that made-up the difference.
-Provision in that one of our missionaries who returned to the US offered me a well-maintained vehicle for a good price.
I’m so thankful for all these things!!
So here I am with my new-to-me bakkie (pronounced “buckey” aka truck). I love that is has an extended cab for passengers, and can haul things around the mission base. It already came in handy as we moved our houses around over the holiday break, and I know it will be useful if we need extra vehicles when hosting mission teams. I’m also getting used to the diesel engine and manual transmission. Learning to drive a manual has been an interesting experience, especially given that we drive on the opposite side and that there are a lot of hills around here. You should see our new driveway!
So thank you for your prayers and support. I’m grateful that the Lord used you to bless me and our ministry in this way!!
love it! so glad you got your bakkie and a beautiful picture by it as well. :)