Monday, August 23, 2010

All About Relationships

What exactly is Relationship Evangelism? It’s all about building relationships with people, serving them in tangible ways, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

As our team from Grace Community Church served around World Fellowship Church, they impacted many lives. One young man had been raised with traditional Basotho beliefs, but didn’t agree with them because he felt we should be able to talk directly with God rather than through ancestral spirits. He also investigated Islam, but didn’t find the truth he was looking for. When the team met him, they found him hungry for truth and seeking a direct relationship with God. They introduced him to Jesus Christ and his life changed forever.

But it didn’t stop there. The team continued to disciple this young man through the rest of the week. They visited his tuck shop, taught him from the Bible, and answered his many questions about God, Christ and life in general. They invited him to World Fellowship Church where he was connected with other Believers. And they invited him to our Launch Pad discipleship class held at the church where he will continue to grow in his faith.

As the team said their goodbyes, they found that this young man was already witnessing to others. He is well known in the area and people often hang out around his tuck shop.

It’s all about relationships. Our personal relationship with Christ. Building relationships with other Believers. And stepping out to reach people in need of the hope that Jesus offers.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

17 Again

What were you doing when you were 14, 16, 17? Stepping out and stretching out to grow as a leader? Sacrificing your time and money to help others in need? Boldly sharing Christ with others? I don’t know about you, but I was pretty focused on myself at that age…

We thoroughly enjoyed our double-portion of God’s grace this month – a student team from Grace Christian Church in Michigan, and another student team Grace Community Church in California. These young leaders were such a blessing and an inspiration!

And as they stepped out to boldly to share the love of Christ it was evident that many lives were changed - including their own.

When we asked folks about their favorite part of the trip, here is what one of the leaders had to say…

“My favorite part of this trip was being able to lead the students from our church, and watch the amazing growth that each of them went through. God really strengthened and matured each of the students spiritually and it was wonderful to see. He’s also done an awesome work in my life.”

Oh, to be 17 again! (cute movie BTW)

Please pray for that these young leaders continue to live lives of impact.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Absolutely Yes!

It was so much fun working with a bunch of fellow-Michiganders! We recently hosted a youth team from Grace Christian Church in Sterling Heights - right where I grew up.

I was so amazed at how this youth team stepped out of their comfort zones - boldly sharing the love of Christ, sacrificially serving people in need, compassionately praying with the sick, enthusiastically pouring into kids during children’s ministry. It was a blessing to see God work in and through these young leaders.

People often wonder if the 2 short weeks they spend serving can really have a lasting, even eternal, impact. I say absolutely yes! And the congregation at AFM Paballong church whole-heartedly agrees!

After the team shared many incredible testimonies, the entire congregation was encouraged and overjoyed. Pastor Thito thanked and encouraged the team in return.

“Thank you so much for your testimonies. They are such an encouragement. Please know that we as a church will continue to pray for the families you’ve met, and the children that came to children’s ministry – that they know the Lord, come to this church, and become our next generation of leaders. Please also know that the seeds you planted will bear much fruit. Even if you don’t see it because you are returning to America, when you go to heaven God will be so excited to introduce you to the ones who are there because of the time you spent in Paballong. When you meet them, you will say Wow! Wow! Wow!”

Please pray that the seeds planted in Paballong continue to grow, and that we meet new brothers and sisters in Christ someday.