Have you ever experienced a “flashpoint”? A flashpoint is the lowest temperature that a combustible substance bursts into flames, but in a more general sense it’s also the point at which something or someone suddenly bursts into action.
Through Leadership Summit and our IMPACT youth leadership conferences, that’s exactly what we aim to do. Ignite a fire in our youngest leaders, bursting them into action in their schools and communities.
In February, we kicked off our 2010 Leadership Summit program with 95 classes and more than 4000 students. And on February 17th, we held our first IMPACT youth leadership conference called “Flashpoint”. IMPACT is where select leaders from the various schools come together for deeper learning, coaching and action planning.
Several coaches gave testimonies about their flashpoints – how Jesus changed their lives forever helping them through struggles such as teenage motherhood, drugs, alcohol, and abuse. It was clear that the students were gripped by the stories – by the candor and because they could relate.
The teaching afterward solidified the truth that Jesus loves us just as we are, but too much to leave us that way. Please pray with us for the students who attended IMPACT – that through Christ they experience flashpoints of their own.