Folks have asked how we celebrate Christmas in South Africa. It’s not really all that different than back home, except that it’s summer. When I was shopping at Game (like a small Wal-Mart) they were playing Christmas songs including “Let It Snow”. No chance of that here. Stores have “decked their halls” but just on a much smaller scale than I’m used to.
On Christmas morning we all met for breakfast and a white elephant gift exchange. I got a crocodile raft for my next day at the dam (lake). Very cool! We even had a fireplace for Santa to come down thanks to Katie’s creativity. Later that afternoon, we gathered again for a braai (bbq). Abram opened with a Christmas teaching from Luke and a prayer of thanksgiving. Then we celebrated with way too much food and way too many desserts – just like at home. The day was topped off by two Skype calls home to see my family which did wonders for my homesickness.
So all in all, I’m thankful for old traditions and for new ones, but most importantly for the reason behind both – my Savior Jesus Christ, the greatest Christmas present of all.