Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Living on Purpose

It’s pretty much been “all hands on deck” the past few weeks with everyone pitching in to help with curriculums for next year’s Leadership Summit program. We were so blessed by a gift of curriculums that were printed and shipped from the States, and now we’re on track to finish the remainder of them in time to begin training our LS coaches next week.

Each class presents relevant topics in a “teen-friendly” way and provides an open environment for candid discussions about peer pressures and Godly choices.

7th graders will be studying Living on Purpose - who they are in Christ, how to discover God’s plan and purpose for their lives, and how to stand up to teenage pressures in order to fulfill their God-gifted purpose.

8th graders will be studying Save Sex - God’s perfect plan for purity, marriage, sex and faithfulness, and the consequences of poor choices.

9th graders will be studying Break the Silence and Speak Out - a series of relevant but difficult issues facing teens today such as sexuality, drugs and alcohol, and character, and what the Bible has to say about them.

As we printed, collated, punched, bound, and boxed each book I was actually pretty overwhelmed thinking that each one would end up in the hands of a young person who would be lovingly trained, mentored and encouraged to be all that the Lord created them to be. To make good decisions, to have hope and expectations for their futures, and to reach their God-gifted potential and purpose. Pretty amazing!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Learning to Lead Like Christ

I spent time this week reviewing feedback from our Hand in Hand leadership conference. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we hosted more than 80 church leaders hungry to learn how to BE leaders and BUILD leaders who honor God in all they do. Not only were they thankful for the opportunity to sharpen their leadership skills, but they also felt recognized, valued, and encouraged by a conference designed just for them. Many expressed that they now saw themselves as the Lord does - as children of God, disciples, disciple-makers, and leaders in their families, communities and churches.

What a blessing to serve them and sow into them in this way! Their surveys really touched my heart! We asked people what God had done in their heart and lives through the conference and here are some responses.

“I was reminded that I must be a good example. When I ask people to follow me, they must leave everything and follow because, like Christ, I’m also a fisher of men.”

“I learned a lot about discipleship, and I believe I will leave here being a great leader and making more disciples.”

“I learned about what a leader should look like, how to build leaders, the importance of living a holy life, and how to be like Jesus.”

Please pray with us that our local church leaders continue to be like Christ, lead like Christ and build the leaders of tomorrow. And please pray with me as I plan for next year’s Hand in Hand pastoral development program.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day Off in Royal Natal

This week, June, Amanda and I took the day off to rest, hike and picnic in beautiful Royal Natal National Park along the Drakensburg Mountains. We had a great time splashing around in the cascades, rock climbing to Tiger Falls and hiking through the beautiful mountains and valleys. We had planned a nice picnic until an uninvited baboon showed up, so we ended up moving our picnic into the car. What a fun day! Hope you enjoy the picture slide show!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Building Tomorrow's Leaders

This is my graduation picture (with my friend Kristie) from Michigan Theological Seminary. Pretty cute, huh? This week I was reminded of how blessed I am – that I had the resources, opportunity, encouragement and expectation to receive a first-class education. Bachelor Degree and MBA from Oakland University. Graduate Certificate in Bible from Michigan Theological Seminary. Classes through Kensington Community Church. Various leadership conferences. And a passion and pattern for life-long learning that continues on.

These degrees aren’t listed to “show-off”; rather they are to count my blessings as reasons to be deeply thankful. They are also a contrast with the sad reality faced here - that in Africa, 90% of our church leaders have no formal training.

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I am now helping to manage our Hand in Hand pastoral development program. Our vision is to equip pastors and strengthen local churches through leadership training and mentoring. One of our goals is to offer quarterly leadership conferences and workshops free of charge.

On October 12th, we hosted another conference for more than 80 local pastors and church leaders. The theme was Building Tomorrow’s Leaders. Interim Director Amy Reip began by teaching about the Leadership Checklist - how to develop ourselves and identify leadership potential in others based on scriptural standards. Next, Thrive Africa ministry partner Leon De Haan continued with a series of teachings on how to make disciples and build the next generation of leaders. He provided insight into the tests of character, leadership and calling, and also gave practical instruction on how to cast vision and set goals to achieve that vision.

We received great feedback after the event. Not only were people thankful for the opportunity to learn; but they also felt recognized, valued and encouraged as leaders and inspired to apply what they learned in their churches and ministries.

As someone who values education and training, and has a passion for leadership development, it was such a joy to provide this opportunity for others. Glory to God, and thanks to everyone who helped it happen through faithful prayers and support.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rising Stars

“Naledi” is star in Sesotho, and our Launch Pad discipleship class held at AFM Naledi Church is filled with rising stars – young men and women hungry for the Word of God, and committed to growing as Godly leaders.

Classes have been taught at AFM Naledi for 7 years and this year more than 30 young people attend regularly to learn, discuss and apply scriptural truths. Right now they are digging deep into the power of prayer. We are encouraged by the fruit we have seen including 10 young men who have been attending since the first class 7 years ago. Not only have they learned a great deal over the years, but they have actively invited others to class and are positive influences in their communities.

It is a joy to equip these young leaders, and we are excited to see how the Lord continues to use them in the years to come.

Thank you for your prayers and support! Be Blessed!...Jill

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Habits

I’ve started’s a miracle! Yesterday, June and I ran 7K and hiked 4K - just over 7 miles. While I used to run cross-country and track in high school, it was more years ago than I’d like to publicize. So for me, 7 miles was another miracle!!

This craziness started when June, who was a nurse back in the US, started teaching our Thrive Africa staff about the spiritual and physical aspects of Temple Maintenance. “My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in me, whom I have received from God. I am not my own, I was bought at a price, therefore I honor God with my body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

Together we learned about nutrition and exercise and committed to an 8-week fitness challenge that included daily meditation on the verse above, healthy food choices, strengthening exercises, and walking or running. The goal was that in 8 weeks our healthy choices would become habits. Whether we were interested in shedding a few pounds, increasing our strength, having more energy, or all of the above, it has been fun to encourage each other along the way. Our gate supervisor must think it’s pretty funny to see all of us running laps around the mission base and waving to him each time we go by!