Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lessons Learned

One of the things I love about serving as Outreach Coordinator is seeing how the Lord not only works through teams to help others, but works in them as well. Team members learn so much about God, themselves, and His plan for their lives when they step away from their daily distractions and focus on Him.

For me personally, the most transforming experiences on my spiritual journey have definitely been through serving on and leading overseas mission trips. It was during my first trip that I discovered God’s unique purpose for my life, and felt called to serve others around the world and in my local community. And it was also that calling that fueled my hunger for the Lord and for spiritual growth, and eventually led me back to Thrive Africa to serve full-time.

Now hosting mission teams from across the globe, it’s a joy to serve the teams and to see them discover their gifts, callings and even the areas that God exposes for growth. When asked “What is one lesson God taught you during this trip?” here is what some team members shared.

“God has taught me that there are many different ways to show the love of Christ. Each one of us possesses unique, God-given gifts and this week I have learned that when we rest in those gifts God can do an amazing work through us.”

"That joy does not come from money or possessions or even circumstances in our lives. We need to seek joy from God, make God most important, and then truly focus on sharing love with others. Relationships need to take precedence in our lives.”

"God really taught me the importance of spending time with Him every day in order to be closer to Him and to discover His plan for my life.”

“Mine would be that with all of the amazing things God has done this week he is much greater than at times I allow him to be.”

"God has taught me that I do not need to make this a 2 week mission trip. I hope to be more open and willing to share my faith with friends and co-workers at home. I’ve learned that all people are needy and have a desire to hear the truth, and I hope to be more prepared to share at home.”

Thank you for your prayers and support, and for touching lives not only here in South Africa, but back at home as well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Divine Interruption

I’ve posted pictures from our Common Ground team – hope you enjoy them. While here they served and shared the love of Christ in so many ways. Working with families in Intabazwe, teaching a daily children’s program for more than 75 children, visiting and praying with the sick at Harrismith Hospital, working on our cabins here at the base… We are so blessed by each team that serves here, and Common Ground was no exception. And I am blessed by being able to train them, share in their ministry, and serve them as they serve others.

One of the highlights of their ministry was meeting a man named Abraham. Abraham had stopped by the church before the team headed into the village. At first it seemed like an interruption, we needed to get going to make it back by our scheduled lunchtime. But as we got to know him better we found out that he was a Christian, had just had a house fire, and didn’t really have any friends or family he could rely on for help. We knew the Lord had brought him by the church for a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and a dose of encouragement. And it reminded me of how easy it is to overlook an opportunity to bless someone because we’re too busy, moving too fast…

Abraham continued to stop by each morning to catch the team before they headed out. He also accepted their invitation to church that Sunday where he was welcomed with open arms. Now he has friends he’ll remember from the States, but more importantly a church home where he can love and be loved.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Great Pics (thanks to June)

King of the Jungle - Queen for a Day

Yeah, the title is a little corny, but oh well... Yesterday was a fun day! June, Amanda and I went out to celebrate Amanda’s birthday by taking a day trip to Bethlehem to see the Lionsrock Big Cat Sanctuary. What’s so cool about this place is that they rescue lions, tigers, leopards and other predators that have been mistreated and exploited in captivity. First we saw a video about how the team rescued their first 3 lions from a run-down zoo in Romania. The lions were malnourished, sick, and confined to tiny cages because the zoo had closed and the few remaining workers couldn’t care for them properly. Then we got to “meet” the lions “in person” – now healthy, strong, with room to run around in natural surroundings. Awesome!

Lionsrock had more than 50 lions and other animals that had been rescued – some from zoos, some from entertainment and tourism, and others from hunting reserves when hunting lions became illegal. Lionsrock actually used to be a hunting reserve until Four Paws, an international animal welfare organization, took it over rescuing all the animals being bred for hunting. It was wonderful to see such beautiful animals and to know that they were being well-cared for.

Friday, August 14, 2009

little g - BIG G

It’s interesting that my last post was about Basotho spiritual beliefs, because our team ended up meeting with a family where the parents are both Sangomas (also known as traditional healers or witchdoctors). The couple shared their spiritual beliefs with the team, and explained how ancestral spirits gave them the knowledge and power to heal others. They had no interest in or need for Jesus Christ.

The team wasn’t sure if they should go back, but when they prayed about it they felt compelled to return. This time, only the adult daughter was home. With her parents gone, she was eager to learn about Jesus Christ. Together they talked about giving up false gods and putting your faith in Christ alone. False gods (little g) are anything that we trust in and rely on rather than God (BIG G). For her family, they were ancestral spirits, but for others they may be very different and not necessarily “religious”. Money, possessions, a career, another person...good things unless they become more important than God.

Long story short, she was longing for Christ but didn’t really understand it until the team shared Him with her. She became a Believer and also came to church with us on Sunday. That was a courageous step given her family upbringing. Please pray with us that she continues to grow in her Christian faith and as a witness to her family.

Thank you for making stories like this possible. Blessings, Jill