Monday, February 23, 2009

Precious Little Children

Today we took the Bethesda team to Manapo Hospital in Qwa Qwa to visit the children’s ward. It was a heart-breaking experience because some of the children were so sick and weak. The illnesses varied, some of which likely caused by or complicated by HIV/AIDs. But it also was such a joyous occasion as the team loved on the kids, bringing smiles as they played and gave out beanie babies and sweets. The hard-working nurses and overtired moms seemed encouraged as well.

I was immediately drawn to a little baby boy alone in his crib. At first, he seemed so scared of me – I must have looked quite strange, and nothing like his mom. I held his hand, stroked his arms, and tried to play a little. Slowly he warmed up to me and reached out his hands to be picked up. He was as light as a feather and so precious. We walked a little, looked out the windows, and he soon nuzzled into my neck and seemed content. By the end of our visit he was playing with his stuffed toy and finally allowing another team member feed him his lunch. Please pray with us for all the precious children we met – that they are healed and grow up to be healthy, strong men and women with bright futures. Please also pray for safe travel as we take the team on a safari then back to the airport for their return home, and as we pick-up another team later this week.

PS. This is a picture of me with Qwa Qwa in the background. If you’re thinking I look pretty funny, it’s because I took it myself. Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

This is Just Cool

Hi there - not really much to say here - this is just pretty cool. The ostriches came by this morning and these are pictures looking out our back window and from out back porch. Enjoy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Week in Intabazwe

When the Bethesda team arrived, Pastor Mabena from New Life Church was so excited to have them come into his community to share the love of Christ and to help connect families with his church where they can continue to grow. As the first week of ministry wraps up, I am grateful for how the Lord has blessed, equipped, and used us all in so many ways. It has been blessing for me to serve alongside the mission team. I’ve been so inspired by their passion and compassion, by their enthusiasm and teamwork, and all of the wonderful stories they have shared this week. Relationships that will be remembered and cherished. Opportunities to serve others. A children’s program that seemed to double each day as kids excitedly told their friends.

One of the experiences the team shared last night was meeting with a Sangoma, or witchdoctor. She was a kind woman who expressed a desire to be a Christian, but also felt her ancestor spirits were directing her to be a Sangoma. She felt conflicted between her faith in Christ and her traditional practices. The team spent several days with her, serving, sharing the love of Christ, reading the Bible and praying. Not only was she healed from chronic pain, but she also expressed a desire to checkout New Life Church with us this weekend. Please pray with us for her and her family – that they come to have a saving faith in Christ alone.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Made it up Mt. Everest

Sunday I attended some additional training with the Bethesda team, this time to prepare for Children’s Ministry in the village. Not only was it great to learn the material, but also to learn how the training classes are taught and how the teams prepare for their programs. After lunch, we all set out on a hike of Mt. Everest which is 6,620 feet above sea level. The weather was beautiful, the scenery breath-taking, and the team really worked together to help everyone make it to the top. And what a view! Boy, did I feel small looking out over rolling hills and skies that went on forever!

Please pray for the team this week as they minister in Intabazwe: that they build strong relationships, have a fruitful children's program, help New Life Church to grow in their community, and serve those in need in meaningful ways. Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Outreach Season Kicks-off

The first mission team of the season arrived yesterday – a team of 14 from Bethesda church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. They were a kick for me personally because I was able to get updates about the latest news and weather from home. We spent today with cultural and ministry training, followed by team building exercises among the obstacle and low ropes courses here on the mission base. Children’s ministry training will be tomorrow morning, and then a guided hike up Mt. Everest in the afternoon. These 2 days will help the team rest up, reenergize, and prepare for ministry in Intabazwe which begins on Monday. When teams go into the villages, they build relationships with the local families, doing what is called a Life Exchange. They ask questions about their lives and culture, share about themselves, and serve in love however needed such as with household chores, helping the sick, planting gardens, etc. The teams also conduct a children’s club in the afternoon. Our hope is to be the hands and feet of Christ, and to also connect families into the local church where they can continue to be nurtured, getting the help and hope they need.

Please pray for the teams as they minister in Intabazwe this week, for the leaders and interpreters, and for the families struggling with unemployment, poverty, and the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Please also pray for Thrive Africa as well. As the outreach season kicks off, I am saddened that their full service Dining Room and Conference Center burned 2 years ago and finances are still needed for the reconstruction. In the meantime, the staff is doing an outstanding job serving the teams in a temporary dining hall, and other buildings for meetings and classes. Thanks for all your prayers, support and encouragement! I so much appreciate it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Right in our own Backyard

Thrive Africa’s home base is a game reserve that they purchased in 2002. 2500 acres of sprawling countryside and beautiful mountains, and home to more than 700 animals including zebra, wildebeest, springbok, blesbok, fallow deer, waterbok, eland, ostrich, lechwe, and rock rabbit. Here are some wonderful pictures my housemate June took. As I mentioned, the horses are pretty comfortable roaming in between our houses and offices. Most of the other animals roam a little further away making for a spectacular morning or evening hike. One year when I was here, we had a few ostriches roaming around blocking our path back to our team house. Very cool, until one of our more daring folks tried to get closer – Ostriches are not very friendly. It’s pretty amazing to have all these animals around the base. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Service in Qwa Qwa

This morning we went into Qwa Qwa for church. What a wonderful experience! Beautiful music and a lot of it. Dancing and clapping in the rows and in the aisles. A great joy that filled the room and poured into the village streets. And they made us feel so welcomed. The pastor began by saying that they didn’t want us to feel at home; rather they wanted us to be at home. Pastor Fotho (left) gave the message and our Thrive Africa pastor Abram Moloi (right) interpreted for us, teaching us how to better walk with God, challenging us to stand up for what’s right, and encouraging us to focus on pleasing God. Afterwards, we had an opportunity to meet more friends in the church. It was a wonderful afternoon! Fortunately, the huge thunderstorm waited until after church and almost until we made it back to base. Sloshing though the tiny rivers and mud, however, we were still grateful for the much needed rain. Please pray for Pastor Fotho and his congregation - that they continue to grow and have a great impact in their village.

Modimo a o hlohonolofatse (God bless you).

Friday, February 6, 2009

Home Away From Home

Dumela (Hello). It has been a great week here at Thrive Africa, and I’m looking forward to the weekend – getting to know the team better, exploring the property, a trip into town (30+ minutes away), and attending a local African church…

Folks have asked about the accommodations here, especially my family who knows I’m not “High Maintenance”, but I’m also by no means “Maintenance Free.” Yes – I have running water, electricity, even a pretty nice kitchen and my own bathroom. I’m living in a 4 bedroom, 3 bath chalet with 2 other great ladies. It’s nice. I’ve included a few pictures primarily for my mom so she won’t worry about me, but also thought others might be interested as well.

Even better, horses, zebra and other animals graze around us. The horses are not fazed by us at all – I’m looking at 3 outside my office window right now. But the other animals run when they see us, so so far I only have pictures of rear ends. I’ll try to be sneakier on some of my hikes.

Hope you enjoy. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Day in Qwa Qwa

Today I went into Qwa Qwa with the intern team doing relational evangelism and school assemblies this week. Qwa Qwa is home to about 1.8 million people. It’s also the poorest area of the country with 88% unemployed. I can tell you more about Qwa Qwa and how Thrive Africa ministers to them in future updates.

Twenty4Seven is Thrive Africa’s year long internship program for young adults who are interested in learning more about missions. They serve in the various ministries, attend classes, work on the mission base, and get immersed in the culture while they are here. This year there are 8 from all over the U.S. and Australia. I so admire their sense of adventure, obedience to the Lord’s call on their lives, and hearts for serving.

In the afternoon I also attended a training session with the interpreters. When teams go into the villages to help families, build relationships, share the Gospel, conduct children’s programs, etc. interpreters go with each of the teams to help. These are amazing young men and women as well – well trained in English, Sotho, and other languages as well as the Bible; hearts for serving; and gifted in connecting with teams and the local people.

Over the next few days I’ll be learning and preparing for the upcoming missions teams. I’m really looking forward to it. As I get time, I’ll send some updates about where I’m staying just for kicks, and the amazing property we are nestled into.

Thanks for your prayers and support!
PS. I didn't take pictures today - this is actually a picture from a previous trip.

What a Difference a Day Makes!

I arrived in Johannesburg Sunday afternoon, leaving behind a foot of snow and 20 degree highs, and arriving to catch the last few hours of the warm South African sun. What a difference a day makes! Jennifer picked me up for the 3 hour drive to the base, and then I had a chance for brief introductions with some of the other Thrive Staff members. I can tell this is going to be a great team to work with and a great trip!

I spent Monday getting setup in the office and then making my first trip to the grocery store. It was actually pretty fun – so many similarities, yet so many differences as well including the amount of time it took. I’m having to relearn “African Time”.

Thank you so much for your prayers! Please continue to pray for Thrive Africa – that they continue to have a great impact in equipping and mobilizing local leaders. Please also pray for me - that I learn quickly, serve faithfully, lead humbly, and discern whatever is next in this wonderful journey.

And please feel free to email me directly at Just a warning, because our internet goes down pretty frequently there may be delays in responding back – but I’d love to hear from you.